Welcome to my homework blog for Grade 7 English and Math! This blog is primarily designed to help parents stay up to date with their child's learning. It is also practical for students so they can check their homework, which will be posted at regular intervals. I trust you will find this blog useful!

Monday, June 4



You will be making a gift box to give to someone else in the class. We will draw names on Wed. Make sure that you read what you have to do on p. 380 of the TX and that you bring all the materials you need with you to class on Wed, June 6.

You will design a gift box for candies/chocolates. Draw 2 copies of the net. Use one to make the box and the other to hand in. Write a paragraph about why your box should be chosen (look in TX p. 380). Make a 3D drawing of your gift box. Decorate it. Spend $1-$2 on candy/chocolate to put in your box. As discussed in class, if you don't think you can do this, let me know.

Here are some suggested materials to make your box:
- markers, colouring pencils
- glue/hot glue
- tape
- scissors
- contruction paper (just to decorate, not strong enough for actual box)
- cardboard/Bristol board/ cereal box
- graph paper
- bows, buttons, glitter, stickers, yarn, other decorations

HWK Mon, Jun 4

I'm back! Sorry I haven't updated the blog in a while.

MATH 7-03
1. WB p. 108
2. TX p. 356 #5-11

MATH 7-04
Tonight's homework
1. WB p. 111
2. TX p.370 #4-10
3. TEST on Wed, Jun6 You can do TX p.377 for practice if you have time.
4. Bring supplies for Gift Box Project (TX p. 380) Next class we will draw names to see who will give a box to who.

HWK for the last few classes that should have been completed already
TX p. 356 #5-11, p.359 all, p.362 all, p. 363 #4-17
WB p. 106, 107, 108, 109, 110

ENGLISH all classes
1. Fairy Tales assignment due Tues, Jun 5