Welcome to my homework blog for Grade 7 English and Math! This blog is primarily designed to help parents stay up to date with their child's learning. It is also practical for students so they can check their homework, which will be posted at regular intervals. I trust you will find this blog useful!

Tuesday, September 5

HWK Tues, Sept 5

7-04, 7-03
Get Course Outline signed

As the school year begins...

Hello and Welcome to my homework blog!

My name is Miss Kelly and I will be using this blog as a noticeboard for my Gr.7 Math, English and Religion classes. Please be patient as I have never done something like this before :)
My intention is to post updates and information from all of my classes to help keep parents in touch with the learning that happens in the classroom. This blog will also benefit students as I will try to post homework and assignments at regular intervals.

I am going to be posting the homework as "HWK Tue, Sep5" so it will be easy to locate the day that you are looking for. Then, each entry will have "MATH", "ENGLISH", and "RELIGION" listed with the homework for each class. If there are any major assignments, they will have their own entry title such as "ASSIGN English Tue, Sep5" with a brief description and a scanned image. To access the assignment, just click on the image! If you would like to locate any previous homework simply click on the date you want under the "Previous Postings" or "Archive " links.

There is no option to leave comments on this blog so if you would like to reach me, the best thing to do would be to leave a note in your child's agenda. In case of an emergency situation, I can be reached by contacting the school. Thanks in advance for your understanding.

I hope this blog will help keep parents in touch and students up-to-date with their learning. Good luck!

Miss Kelly