Welcome to my homework blog for Grade 7 English and Math! This blog is primarily designed to help parents stay up to date with their child's learning. It is also practical for students so they can check their homework, which will be posted at regular intervals. I trust you will find this blog useful!

Friday, May 11

ENGLISH ASSIGN due Tues, May 15

DUE DATE: Tues, May 15

Here are the choices for the english assignment. You can use the computer for any of the options.

Option A - Create a MISSING! poster for Mr. Murry (from the beginning of the book when they don't know his whereabouts yet). There is information about him in Chap 3 and Chap 9. Make sure you include all the information that should go on a Missing poster (look on the internet or at the grocery store on the bulletin board)

Option B - In 4 to 8 steps, draw what it might have looked like when Mrs. Whatsit transformed. Include a brief description of each stage. Alternately, you could do a flip book with many pages and include the descriptions on a separate paper.

Option C - Draw or create a tesseract and draw what it might look like to tesser. Use the information from the book, but also include something creative of your own.

Option D - Create a travel brochure for one of the following places: Meg Murry's hometown, Uriel, Camazotz, Ixchel. You can make a large poster if you want. Be sure to include all of the things that go on a brochure, such as the name of the place, several pictures and many good descriptions of that place. You want to make people really want to go there.

HWK Fri, May 11

MATH 7-04
1. Do activity D on p.249 in the text - complete the table. REMEMBER that the "Rotation" for the red orientation in the text is wrong...there is no rotation to get the red one.
2. Make your own tessellation using another shape shown at the top of p.248. Colour each
orientation a different colour. Now, complete another chart like the one on p.249 for your new tessellation.
3. WB p 71, 72 about congruent and similar shapes
4. Finish copying the def'n of "tessellation" and "pentomino" in WB on p. 73 if you did not finish this in class

MATH 7-03
1. WB p.70
2. TX p242 #4, 7-10
3. QUIZ next class on rotations

ENGLISH all classes
1. Visual project due Tues, May 15 - see entry "English Assign" for details
2. Unit Test Thurs, May 17