HWK Thur, Oct 5
Get outside and enjoy the great weather this long weekend!
MATH 7-06, 7-08, 7-04
1. QUIZ on Wed, Oct 11 - Powers, LCM, GCF
2. Number Sense and Numeration Assign #2 (Car dealership) due Wed, Oct 11
3. Get Quiz #2 signed
4. Text p 18-19 #5-16, 18-20
5. Workbook p. 5
MATH 7-03
1. Worksheets 1.8, 1.9, 1.12 on Multiplying and Dividing with powers of 10
2. Copy rules from these worksheets into your notebook
3. Copy definition of "evaluate" on p. 464 into notebook
1. Finish reading "The New Kid" and answer comprehension questions
none :)