Welcome to my homework blog for Grade 7 English and Math! This blog is primarily designed to help parents stay up to date with their child's learning. It is also practical for students so they can check their homework, which will be posted at regular intervals. I trust you will find this blog useful!

Monday, March 26

Poetry Links

Poetry examples


Here's a site that helps you find rhyming words!


HWK Mon, Mar 26

So sorry I haven't added the homework in a long time. It will be added a few times a week for this term. :)

MATH 7-04
1. WB p. 84
2. TX p. 286 # 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10
3. QUIZ Tues, Mar 27 - definitions to "equation" and "solution to an equation", patterns, solving equations

MATH 7-03
1. Find 3 examples of Fibonacci's Sequence (besides the ones I did in class)
2. TX p. 142, 145 # 1-4, 6
3. QUIZ Wed, Mar 28 - Fibonacci's Sequence

ENGLISH 7-01, 7-04, 7-05
1. 2 Limericks
2. 1 Ballad of at least 12 lines (3 stanzas)
3. Bring a poetry book or poems from the Internet to use as examples while you work on your poetry assignment in class on Wed.
4. Think of a theme for your poetry assignment (to be explained on Wed)