Welcome to my homework blog for Grade 7 English and Math! This blog is primarily designed to help parents stay up to date with their child's learning. It is also practical for students so they can check their homework, which will be posted at regular intervals. I trust you will find this blog useful!

Wednesday, December 13

Ratio, Rate and Percent

We have now finished the Measurement Unit. The next unit is Rate, Ratio and Percent. Over the next few weeks, your child will be comparing ratios to fractions, percents, and decimals. He/seh will solve problems that involve ratio comparisions, and tates such as speed and earnings. We will also be doing some more multiplying and dividing with decimals. In my opinion, these are one of the most important concepts in math.

To reinforce these concepts at home, you and your child can:
1. Look for the use of percents in the media, including newpaper sales flyers.
2. Discuss rates that are important to you and your family on a daily basis (cost of gas, allowance rates per week or $ per job). Talk about what types of jobs might be paid on an hourly basis.
3. Look at different recipes and how amounts would be calculated if the recipe was doubled or tripled.
4. Talk about how to determine how much tip to leave at a restaurant.