Welcome to my homework blog for Grade 7 English and Math! This blog is primarily designed to help parents stay up to date with their child's learning. It is also practical for students so they can check their homework, which will be posted at regular intervals. I trust you will find this blog useful!

Monday, October 2

HWK Mon Oct 2

MATH 7-03
1. Get Quiz #1 signed
2. Babies worksheet on GCF/LCM
3. Workbook p. 3
4. Text p. 12-13 #4ad, 5a, 6, 7, 8ace, 9, 10, 12, 15, 17-19
5. QUIZ on Rounding, Place Value, LCM, GCF on Wed, Oct 4

MATH 7-08, 7-04
1. Worksheets 1.8, 1.9, 1.12
2. Copy rules from worksheets into notebook
3. Copy definition of "evaluate" (p. 464) into notebook

1. Finish reading "The New Kid"
2. Complete comprehension questions to hand in next class
3. Spelling test on "The New Kid" vocabulary